Now, there are some noises I would love to block out, like the hip-hop booming from the car next to me, certain high pitched squeals, and someone playing an electric guitar who really can't play an electric guitar. That being said, it is extremely frustrating when my ear doesn't hear with normal clarity for whatever reason.
In the same way, I get quite frustrated when I can't hear with clarity the voice of the Holy Spirit. There are multiple reasons why that happens, but just like my stopped up ear, spiritually there are those moments when I feel as though my spiritual ears are clogged. Sometimes its because there are way too many inputs screaming all around that picking out His voice is extremely tough. Sometimes its because we've never really learned to recognize his voice or that our ears have just grown dull to his voice. Whatever the reason, the fact is that navigating through life is so much easier when our ears hear his voice with clarity. When we do, we are able to walk through life confident rather than it always being a guessing game or riddled with second thoughts. Jesus said, "my sheep know my voice," so hearing and recognizing his voice is not only possible but its the way we are to live life.
I know there are those moments in my life where I've heard with clarity what He's speaking to me. At the same time there are those moments when I feel as though I need some spiritual hearing aides. It goes without saying that the former produces a life much less frustrating than the latter. Determine today to do whatever is necessary to unclog your spiritual ears so that you can hear what God is speaking to you.