Now, I've got a couple hundred Facebook friends, but I'm thinking this is speaking of something much different than that. I was in a conversation with a friend a few weeks ago and we were talking about relationships with people. He referred to some of his acquaintances as more like Facebook friends. I can tell you from the context of our conversation he was implying that those friends were little more than superficial. No, I'm not dissing Facebook friends, just indicating that the level of friendship is quite different than those with whom we do life with. While those of us who do the Facebook thing may have an ever increasing list a "friends," the truth is those with whom we truly walk through life together with is generally a pretty small list. I would go so far as to say, that there are many who know lots of people yet walk through life very much alone.
We were never meant to go at this thing alone. God created us to walk through life with one another. After all, His purpose in sending His Son was to bring mankind back into relationship with Him. Scripture tells us, He has adopted us, He will not leave us as orphans, He sets the solitary in family, He will never leave us, etc. And while God longs for us to understand the dynamic of this relationship He longs for us to have with Him, He also longs for us to embrace this idea of walking through life with one another.
This concept is much more than posting what you are dealing with on Facebook and others replying with their well meant sentiments. Walking through life with one another is more than shallow comments like "I'm thinking of you," and "I'll be praying for you." Its about being willing to roll up your sleeves and walk through, (lets see how can I keep this g-rated) "refuse" with one another. Its about hurting, I mean truly hurting when others are hurting. I'm not talking about pity, but having compassion for one another that insists on helping one navigate through the hurt. Its about celebrating the victories with one another. Its about standing on the mountain tops with high fives, chest bumps, and genuine excitement over the triumphs in life. Its about strolling through the valleys with the commitment to remain there even when bolting is the easiest thing to do. Its about having the difficult conversations and speaking the truth even when the risk of offense is high. Its about remaining on board when everyone else has jumped ship. Its about fighting through wounds and offenses because the value of the relationship is worth more than walking away. Its about choosing to forgive even when the wound is huge. Its about seeing all the stuff nobody else can see and choosing to love in spite of it all. Its about seeing the gifts, talents, and potential in one another and challenging each other to rise up and be all you were created to be.
I'm sure you'll agree that this list is a pretty small list. Yep, superficial friends are great but these friends with whom we walk through life with, they are irreplaceable. It's these of whom this phrase was written..."Two are better than one." Are there some of these on your list? Or, better yet, are you on someone else's short list?