Now, I might expect those kinds of numbers if I was to go to some remote jungle somewhere, but I have to admit that it was a bit shocking to experience that in Berlin, Germany. I'm not sure what exactly I expected, but I do know that I didn't expect to encounter 12 and 13 year old young people who consider themselves to be atheists having never really been challenged to think otherwise. I didn't expect to meet so many older people who had never heard the story of Jesus. I didn't expect to meet so many people who never even consider spiritual things.
Perhaps, I didn't expect those things because living in the comforts of my home back in America, I've grown a bit blind. Not intentionally, but slowly over the course of life, it just happens if we aren't careful. We get locked into doing life and its extremely easy to get tunnel vision. Our eyes slowly become dim to the world around us and life slowly becomes all about us. We often get sucked into falling in love with this world and the things in it and as a result we lose sight of the big picture. A big picture that places God's dreams far above our own. A big picture that is much bigger than our own little world.
While my next statement may be hard to swallow, as a follower of Christ, I have to believe its true. Without knowing Christ, 4.5 billion people on this planet would split hell wide open if they slipped into eternity today. I know that's not politically correct to say that, but according to Scripture its an accurate statement. I know, I know, hell is not a very popular topic. And we believers who make statements like that are often labeled arrogant, narrow minded, and a lot of other things too inappropriate to list here. But the harsh reality is that as a true follower of Christ, we have to hold to the truth that apart from Christ there is salvation for no one. We have to believe that in Him is the only way anyone can find eternal salvation. There are those who want to believe that everyone's journey is different and because of that God's grace allows for many different ways to find salvation. That sounds great and while it may be politically correct, it simply doesn't line up with Scripture. I think so often the church buys into that philosophy because it relieves them of the responsibility to share the Gospel. It excuses them from stepping out of their comfort zone and engaging people in spiritual conversations.
Here's the cold hard facts. All around us, people are hungry for the truth. Yes, I know there are those who want nothing to do with Jesus, God, or the church, but there are also those who are desperately seeking God. While I was in Germany, I saw this scenario play out before us every day. There were those who scoffed at spiritual things and rejected everything we had to say, while at the same time there were those who hung on every word. There were those who were brought to tears when engaged in spiritual conversations. There were those who had no hope who were longing for someone to give them a lifeline. There were those who had never believed in God, who were open to be challenged in what they believed. There were those who were hurting who wanted a healer. It is no different here. We go to work, go to the store, go to the restaurant, go to our kids sporting events, etc. and all the while there are those around us who are longing for someone to throw them a lifeline. They are longing for someone to engage them in a conversation other than how hot it is or if you think the Texans will finally make it to the playoffs. Yet, we've grown blind to it all. We've been lulled to sleep by a spirit of comfort that prevents us from risking rejection to save a life. I'm afraid we have eyes but can not truly see.
Trust me when I say if there are 4.5 billion unbelievers worldwide, there are those in your circle of influence. And if not, your circle needs to grow. While we can kick back and relax and trust that God's going to reach them, could it be that He's put you in their life because you're His tool for reaching them?
These words to a Casting Crown song have been the testimony of most of my life.
"So maybe this time I'll speak the words of life
With Your fire in my eyes
But that old familiar fear is tearing at my words
What am I so afraid of?
'Cause here I go again
Talking 'bout the rain
And mulling over things
That won't live past today
And as I dance around the truth
Time is not his friend
This might be my last chance to tell him
That You love him."
I pray its not the testimony of my life from here on out!
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