Do you think God is worried? I mean, after all, things are getting a bit crazy. Oops, did I say a bit crazy, I meant extremely crazy. It's like with each passing day, something else happens that makes you stop and think, "What in the world is going on here?" The Middle East is as unstable as ever, the world's economy is tanking, and our government, well lets just say needs the wisdom of God and leave it at that. Ok, I can't just leave it at that. Think about this, we now have a national debt that if you counted by ones, you could never count in several lifetimes. Then, there's the never ending insistence that we move further and further away from God and the Biblical principles upon which our nation was founded. Ok, now we'll just leave it at that. Add to that the current threat of the swine flu, natural disasters, the new nuclear arms race, talk about a one world currency, and God has to be worried, right?
After all, this can't be part of his ultimate plan, could it? I mean certainly, things in the world have gone in a direction God had not planned, right? Hardly. While we sit around wringing our hands, God has propped His legs up on His footstool and is at perfect peace. Worry is not an emotion, He is acquainted with. His plan was established eons ago, and nothing and no one, can keep it from playing out. Trust me, God's not worried, stressed out, or running for the hills. His anxiety level is not increasing, and He's not losing sleep. He's not concerned about how global warming or a possible ice age could mess up His whole plan for His Son's 1000 year reign.
In Matthew 24, Jesus instructs us not to become troubled or worried when we see things getting crazy, because all these things must happen for the end to come. He says that because he wants us to understand that God has everything under control. He wants us to understand that God is God and everything will play out according to His plan.
The challenge for believers is to live as though we believe it. When we get worried about all that's going on around us, we are really saying that we don't truly believe that God's at the helm. I'm not saying that we shouldn't be involved in the great political process here in our country and doing our part. What I am saying, is that when we totally trust God, we shouldn't get bent out of shape when things don't go the way we think they should. It's at moments like that, when we need to hit our prayer closet. Being involved in the political process, engaging in prayer and fasting, is our responsibility. The only thing left after that, is to trust God. Worrying and freaking out will not change one thing. Trust me, I've tried.
As believers, its time we learn how to completely trust God. He's got things mapped out, and they will go exactly the way He's planned. He's not worried. He never has been, and He never will be. Come on, He's God, remember!
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