Saturday, June 9, 2012

Ode To The White Sox Championship Run

The championship game, with all the excitement was here
The crowd was all gathered, and they were all ready to cheer   
Thunder rolled in the distance, as the clouds hung overhead
The players took the field, and  “Play Ball!” the umpire said.
The White Sox were here through no easy task
Underdogs for sure, no matter who you would ask
First came the Mariners, then the Rangers they beat
And finally the Tigers crumbled in defeat
Now, toe to toe with the Cardinals they would go
Regardless if they won, they had made it to the show
Everett came to play as did Alex and Sam,
Their hustle told the Cards, “Catch me if you can”
David brought the bat and Miguel was in a groove
Caden  and Josiah stopped any ball that moved
Laramie brought his A-game and Haydyn did as well
But, two would be missing from this championship tale
Haven, he was stranded on his way out to the park
And, Dalton had gotten sick, yep, strep had left its mark
But, the White Sox would not fold, they would field only nine
But those nine would play real hard, and put it all on the line
For the first few innings the game was really close
It was anybody’s game, they were truly nose to nose
But, by the time the dust had cleared and all was said and done,
The Cards would stand on top, as the Sox had fewer runs
Yet, none seemed disappointed, none were really down
They had played their little hearts out, here in this final round
Winning a game is great and a championship even greater,
But, I think these boys learned something, most learn much later
The greatest winning you will ever do is not simply defeating another
But it’s when you take a hard look at yourself and you come to discover
You left it all on the field, and you gave it your best shot,
You pushed yourself to the limit, and your very best is what you brought
No scoreboard can keep that score, yet that win means much more
Because, only that kind of win can truly help you soar.
So, while the Sox came up short in the championship game
Regardless of the score, they’re all champions still the same.

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