Friday, November 8, 2013

Hey Solomon, I Found Her

I'm an extremely rich man. Now, if you saw my bank account, you might try to argue that statement. I seldom have much left at the end of each month.  So if wealth is only determined by dollars and cents then using the term "rich" to describe me would be a huge statement of faith or a complete lie.  But wealth is determined by much more than bank accounts and monetary assets.

"Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies." I'm rich because I've found that virtuous woman.  I've found that woman whose price is far above any of this earth's riches.  No, that's not hopeful thinking.  It's not a declaration of faith.  It's a statement of fact.  As I read the rest of this description of a virtuous woman laid out in Proverbs 31, I can't help but think it was written with my wife, Lori, in mind.

I'm not sure how she does all she does. On any given day she gets more done than most do in a week.  She wakes early in the morning and has coffee with Jesus before anyone else is awake.  She teaches our two boys at Stone Life Academy. She makes sure the clothes are washed, dishes are clean, pantry is full, and everyone is fed.  Somehow she finds the time to be my partner in ministry and run our home business, Lone Star Soap Barn. I'm exhausted just listing some of the things she does.

She's an incredible mother. She celebrates her boys victories big and small.  She believes in them, encourages them, and inspires them.  She doesn't spend her time trying to make them who she wants them to be but strives to discover who God has made them and partners with Him in helping them become who they are.  She cuddles without coddling and loves without condition.  Her boys think the world of her and if asked they'll tell you she's the best mom in the world.

As a wife she has no equal.  She knows me best yet somehow manages to love me most. That alone is an amazing fete.  She's my biggest fan, my closest confidant, and my best friend.  She honors me in every possible way.  She encourages me when I'm down, tells me the truth when I need to hear it, and gives me grace when I fail. She makes me feel as if I can do just about anything.  She sacrifices constantly for me and never complains about it.  She listens when I need to talk and gives me space when I need it most.  She understands me better than anyone else yet wants to know me more.  She actually likes hanging out with me.  Who I am today is largely because of her.  I think her name must mean "grace" because I definitely don't deserve her yet God has blessed me with her anyway.  Like her boys I think the world of her and I'll let you know straight up, she's the best wife in the world.  

This week we'll celebrate 13 years since we made our lifelong commitment to one another.  I remember that day so well.  When I saw her walking down that aisle she took my breath away.  Now, 13 years later she still takes my breath away. 

King Solomon's mom knew what she was talking about when she declared that this "virtuous woman" was worth more than rubies.  He spent a lifetime in search of her.  Hey, Solomon I found her! Indeed she's worth more than all this world's riches.  Is it any wonder why I feel as if I'm the richest man in town. 

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